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IIT Patna Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme 2014

Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme 2014
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme 2014
Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna)


Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates for admission to the Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme starting in 2014 in the following departments and specific areas mentioned in each department :

Sl. No. Department Research Area
1. Chemistry Polymer, Organometallic synthesis and catalysis
2. Physics Renewable energy
3. Mechanical Engineering Tribology & Machine Dynamics
4. Humanities and Social Sciences Indian English Writing, Translation Studies, English Language Teaching

  Minimum Qualifications  

  Age Limit  

Maximum of 35 years. Relaxed by 5 years for women and reserved categories (Age relaxation applicable as per government of India rules).

  How to Apply  

Duly filled up application forms (IITP-PDF-1 & IITP-PDF-2) along with attested copies of documents mentioned in the application form should be sent to : Assistant Registrar (Academic), IIT Patna, Navin Govt. Polytechnic, Patliputra Colony, Patna - 800 013. With the superscription "Application for IIT PATNA POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME IN THE DEPARTMENT OF __________" Last date for receipt of application is 24-03-2014.

  Important Dates  

Last date to apply : March 24, 2014.


Source :

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  Error processing SSI file